St George's Church of England Primary School


At St George’s we use lesson plans from ‘Kapow Primary’ to deliver the PSHE and RSE curriculum.  These lessons cover the statutory requirements and have been carefully planned to be age appropriate. They also give the opportunity for children to revisit topics in different year groups. This allows children to learn more and see things differently as they mature.

In their PSHE lessons the learning is divided into three overarching themes: Families and relationships, Health and wellbeing and Safety and the changing body.  Pupils will be able to explore their feelings and ideas about topics and listen to the views of other people. The overall aim is for children to be able to make their informed choices and decisions.

Key Documents

PSHE and RSE Progression Map

Year 1 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan

Year 2 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan

Year 3 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan

Year 4 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan

Year 5 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan

Year 6 PSHE and RSE Long Term Plan