St George's Church of England Primary School


At St George’s, we provide our children with a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world, with an awareness of how interpretations of the past may differ.  We aim to inspire curious learners that can reflect on the past and make meaningful links on how it has impacted their life in today’s world.  Through our teaching we provide opportunities for children to discover an appreciation and interest in history using a quality curriculum organised into a progression model that outlines the skills, knowledge and vocabulary which are taught in a sequentially coherent way.

In their History lessons, pupils in our school will learn to develop historic vocabulary and share diverse, good quality texts to enhance their learning, in addition to exploring their local area to ensure they have a deep understanding of the rich history of their locality.  Additionally, enrichment visits and trips will further support the children to understand the study of our key concepts: chronological understanding, historical enquiry and source analysis and interpretation.

Key Documents

History Progression Map

Year 1 History Long Term Plan

Year 2 History Long Term Plan

Year 3 History Long Term Plan

Year 4 History Long Term Plan

Year 5 History Long Term Plan

Year 6 History Long Term Plan