St George's Church of England Primary School

Collective Worship

At St George’s we use the Rochester Diocesan Collective Worship planning which is adapted and changed to meet the needs of our school. This ensures that there is a shared understanding of the long and short term planning of worship and this enables continuity.

Worship consists of 4 stages:

  • Gather – we welcome the community with the lighting of a candle and sharing the peace
  • Engage –a Bible reading, followed by an activity to engage pupils with the Christian message
  • Respond – pupils, for discuss, share, reflect and pray
  • Send – we close with a final prayer and a blessing. Collective Worship ends with the blowing out of the candle.

Collective Worship Schedule:

Monday Years 1-3 in the hall, the rest of the school conduct collective worship in class
Tuesday Years 4-6 in the hall, the rest of the school conduct collective worship in class
Wednesday Spinnaker deliver collective worship
Thursday We alternate between class collective worship and Father Henry delivering collective worship for Years 1-3 and Years 4-6
Friday We alternate fortnightly between class collective worship and specialist visitors delivering collective worship

Each class has Collective Worship Leaders who help plan and lead Collective Worship for their class and the wider school.